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Learners and Families,
Taking the steps to applying to college
can be overwhelming for both students and parents, my hope is that I can be here help to ease some of the tension around it and guide you through the process as seamlessly as possible.

Please reach out with any questions or concerns you may have related to your post high school plans, whether you are leaning toward a 4 year college or university, a community college, pursuing a Career Technical Education program, joining the military, or even if you have no idea! I am here to help you figure it all out. 

You can also come to me for help mapping out and enrolling in Community College Classes through the Dual Enrollment Program, and any credit recovery needs.

Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions. 

Ms. Celeste

College Counseling

Ms. Celeste is available for remote college counseling and credit recovery needs. Make an appointment using her calendar link. if you do not find a time that works for you, please email, call, or text to let her know. (510) 646-0634 or

School Counseling

The School Counselors, Ms. Amanda Stoner (ACLC) and Ms. Anne Cronin (NEA), are available to ensure that all learners are on track to graduate, and are available for academic, and social emotional counseling. You can make an appointment with Ms. Amanda here or Ms. Anne here.

Looking for scholarships?! Click HERE for an ongoing list.


College Class Requirements

If you have not yet taken a college class, please be sure to register as soon as possible. Classes for the Spring are filling up fast! Here are the Benefits & Considerations for College Classes and the Instructions for taking a Peralta class


If you have taken a college class, please be sure to send Celeste the most recent copy of your transcript so that I can schedule you appropriately. The directions can be found here under 'transcripts'. 


Obtaining a Work Permit -
       -ACLC learners, see Ms. Heather in the main office.
       -NEA learners, see Ms. Charlotte in the Lead Facilitator Office. 

Requirements to qualify for a Work Permit: 

  • Passing all classes with a C or higher; Minimum GPA of 2.0

  • No more than two referrals for behavior (Level 1 offenses); no level 2 or 3 offenses 

  • 95%  attendance for absences and no more than 5 unexcused tardies over 30 minutes; No truancy concerns


Steps to get a Work Permit:

  1. The minor, after obtaining a promise of employment, shall obtain the "Statement of Intent to Employ a Minor and Request for a Work Permit - Certificate of Age" (CDE Form B1-1) from school counselor or employer.

  2. The minor must request that the employer and parent complete their sections (making certain to obtain both required signatures), and then return the completed form.

  3. If all requirements are met, the school counselor will issue an Official Work Permit (CDE Form B1-4)

Maintaining Work Permit

The Work Permit Authorizer will evaluate if the learner is still meeting requirements regularly. Grades are checked weekly and attendance will be checked quarterly. Learners who do not meet the requirements of qualifying for the Work Permit will be given a series of warnings and opportunities to get on track. Failure to do so may result in the revocation of the Work Permit.

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